针对QSn6 5 0 1带材整个冷轧过程,采用物理试验和计算机有限元模拟相结合的方法,分别对冷轧QSn6 5 0 1表面残余应力进行了分析。结果表明:冷轧铜合金带材会产生残余应力,而且,随加工程度的增加残余应力累积值增大。计算机模拟分析是准确预测和解释轧制过程中残余应力累积程度的可靠手段,并且对实际生产有一个理论指导。
The residual stresses in the surface of the strip throughout the whole cold rolling process are analyzed by boringhole method,Xray diffraction method and numerical simulation.It is shown that residual stress occurs in the whole cold rolling process and increases with the extent of the deformation.The results of numerical simulation help predict accurately the degree of the accumulation of the stresses and offers guidance to practical production.
Shanghai Nonferrous Metals