推进工业现代化进程是 2 1世纪中国走新型工业化道路和促进中国从工业大国向工业强国转变的必然要求。加快中国工业现代化进程、制订工业发展战略需要判断现阶段我国工业现代化水平。本文首先提出以工业增长效率、工业结构和工业环境三个方面作为工业现代化的标志 ;进而基于这三方面标志 ,构造了一套评价工业现代化水平的指标体系 ,并依据这套指标体系对我国工业的现代化水平进行了初步评价。本文的基本结论是 :中国工业现代化进程处于起步阶段 ,经验量化估计其水平大致相当于工业现代化国家 2 0 %左右的水平 ;最后 ,本文分析了协同推进新型工业化和工业现代化进程、探索适合中国国情的工业现代化模式中应注意的问题。
Industrial modernization is a challenge China must meet to develop a new industry and transform its large industry to a strong one. Assessment should be made of China's current level of industrial modernization before a development strategy may be worked out to set a quicker pace for this process. The authors propose in this article industrial growth, industrial structure and industrial environment as indicators for industrial modernization, based on which a framework of assessment is built up and a preliminary assessment of the level of China's industrial modernization is conducted. The conclusion is that China is in the starting stage of industrial modernization, with an estimated level equivalent to 20% or so of the industrialized countries. The article ends by drawing attention to possible problems in the parallel process of industrial renewal and industrial modernization, and in the explorations for patterns that will suit China's conditions.
Social Sciences in China