本文试图从历史语义学的角度 ,探讨economy (economics)汉语译名的来源和类别 ,并探究“经济”一词的本原与蜕变 ,以及这个译名最终得以确立的可能的原因。笔者认为 ,“经济”作为一个宽泛概念对应西方现代economy概念是“言之有理”的 ;而且 ,它在词源上与西方经济概念的重要成分相去不远。作为“经世济民”的简称 ,“经济”原本是西方“政治经济学”概念的汉语译名 ,它既包容了西方古典主义经济学中政治与经济的含义 ,又顾及西方 1 9世纪下半叶开始时行的politicaleconomy的简略用法 :economy。
The author takes a diachronic semantic approach in this inquiry into the origin, change and type of the Chinese translation of “economy,' as well as the reasons why it became established in the language. In its broader sense, jingji matches well with “economy' in its modern Western sense, sharing similar elements with the Western concept. As a contraction of jing shi ji min (govern the country and nurture the people), jingji was first taken to be a Chinese counterpart of Western “political economy.' Both a political and an economic field of study, as is the case with Western classical economics, jingji may also be used to refer to the political economy that began to thrive in the West in late 19 th century, and for which “economy' was often a mere abbreviation.
Social Sciences in China