从发展中国家的立场、处境和发展需求出发,毛泽东始终是世界多极化的积极倡导者和推动者。他在不同时期提出的几个重要战略理论,都蕴含着关于世界多极化的丰富内涵。从“中间地带”理论、“两个中间地带”理论到“三个世界” 的划分,乃至今天中国政府强调多样性、推动多极化的基本战略主张,实际上是一脉相承的,既反映了广大发展中国家基本的对外关系诉求,也反映了世界格局演进的客观趋势。这是理解新中国外交战略的一个重要线索。
Mao Zedong Was a firm advocator for the world multipolarization. All of his famous theories of diplomatic strategy have substantial content about this issue, which not only embodied the fundamental appeal of developing countries for a just world order and international system but also reflected the general trend of world pattern development. In fact, this adherence to multi - polarization is a common ground among all the three generations of Chinese leaders and it is so important that is turned out to be a key to the understanding of China's diplomatic strategies in the past fifty years.
CPC History Studies