本文考察了我国学术界对分析哲学研究的历史和现状 ,充分肯定了 80年代以来这一研究所取得的成果 ,并指出其存在的主要问题 ,如尚未完全摆脱简单化倾向 ,缺乏严格的逻辑论证 ,以结论取代逻辑论证等。作者认为 ,分析哲学方法对中国哲学研究具有重要意义 ,不仅可以规范中国传统哲学研究的基本领域 ,制定公认的研究准则 ,辨析概念的意义 ,摈弃无法证实的“心心相传” ;更重要的是将科学理性和分析方法运用到马克思主义哲学研究中 。
The author examines the history and current status of analytical philosophy in Chinese academic circles. While praising the achievements made since the 1980s, he also points out existing problems, such as simplistic approaches, lack of rigorous logical exposition and the substitution of conclusions for logical evidence. The author believes that the methodology of analytical philosophy is of great importance to philosophical research in China since it can standardize the basic fields of traditional Chinese philosophical research, formulate commonly accepted research standards, discriminate between various concepts, and reject age old theories that have been passed from generation to generation but cannot be verified. More importantly, it will introduce scientific reason and analytical methodology into studies on Marxist philosophy, and bring philosophical research into the orbit of science and standardization.
Social Sciences in China