With 1 185 pi eces of questionnaire, it is found that in China, people take fresh air, odor, e tc., as well as indoor air temperature, humidity, as the most important indoor a ir parameters. It is also found that there is a significant sensitivity differen ce in indoor environment between southerners and northerners in China. People fr om different regions have different demands for their working and living environ ment. Therefore, as a good design of air conditioning system, it is strongly rec ommended that the different demands of people from different regions should be t aken into consideration.
With 1 185 pi eces of questionnaire, it is found that in China, people take fresh air, odor, e tc., as well as indoor air temperature, humidity, as the most important indoor a ir parameters. It is also found that there is a significant sensitivity differen ce in indoor environment between southerners and northerners in China. People fr om different regions have different demands for their working and living environ ment. Therefore, as a good design of air conditioning system, it is strongly rec ommended that the different demands of people from different regions should be t aken into consideration.