目的 介绍跟腱的解剖、损伤的病因、治疗策略及有关的最新进展。方法 查阅国内外近年有关文献 ,并作综合分析。 结果 皮质类固醇对肌腱的影响仍存在争议 ,应用喹诺酮类药物治疗可能和肌腱疾病的发生有关。急性跟腱断裂治疗分为开放手术修复、经皮手术和非手术治疗。 结论 陈旧性跟腱断裂治疗及跟腱缺损的修复手术方式多种多样。多种生长因子的发现为跟腱损伤的治疗提供了新的途径。
Objective To review the anatomy, etiology, therapy strategy of Achilles tendon injury and its related advances in recent years. Methods The related articles in recent years were extensively reviewed. Results There still were many arguments about the effect of corticosteroid on the treatment of tendon disease. Fluoqmnolone was found to be related with Achilles tendon injury. Acute rupture of Achilles tendon could be treated with open operation, percutaneous repair, or conservative therapy. For old rupture, many kinds of operations could be selected. Conclusion The growth factors found in recent years provide us with new prospect for future treatment of Achilles tendon injury.
Chinese Journal of Reparative and Reconstructive Surgery