介绍了SCR的一种新的通用驱动装置 ,该驱动装置用AVR单片机控制晶闸管的导通角 ,既适合于控制普通晶闸管 ,也适合于控制双向晶闸管或反并联晶闸管。首先介绍基于AVR单片机的内置A/D及其内部闪存资源 (Flash)所设计的检测、控制、SCR触发等硬件电路的结构与基本特点 ,然后介绍如何通过软件设计来实现对不同应用对象的有效控制 ,包括对感应电动机软启动及交流调压调速的控制 ,以及用作无触点开关时对容性、感性负载的无冲击投切控制等。最后 。
A novel SCR drive device using AVR microprocessor is proposed in this paper, with which the firing angles of normal SCRs, triacs,as well as anti\|paralell thyristors can be controlled by any preset logic Firstly, the structure and the basic features of the hardware for measuring, control and SCR triggering designed by using the embedded A/D and flash memory of AVR microprocessor, are introduced Then, the software design to realize efficient control for different purpose, including the soft\|starting and the variable\|voltage speed adjustment for the AC induction motors and contactless switch for switching\|on or switching\|off the capacitive and inductive loads with no inrushing current, is described Finally, some typical experiment results are presented
Modern Electric Power