经验法则是人类在长期生产、生活实践中所形成的关于事物属性以及事物之间常态联系的一般性知识或法则。经验法则在决定证据能力、评价证据价值、事实推定中的推理、引导当事人证明活动的进行以及为证明标准的适用提供判断依据等方面起决定性作用。为了克服经验法则在盖然性程度的差异、经验法则适用上的条件性和具体性以及受法官生活经验影响等因素的局限 ,必须从法官制度。
Law of experiences is the general knowledge about the property of things and the normal relations between things which come from the process of production and daily living of human for a long time. Law of experiences plays a decisive role in the judgment of qualification of evidence, evaluation of evidence , the process of inference, guiding the parties′procedural acts and applying standard of proof. In order to overcome the shorting of law of experiences in fact-finding in the difference of probability of experiences, the restrictions of conditions in applying experiences and judge′lacking of experiences, we must perfect the institutes of judge, evidence and procedure.
Modern Law Science