
The feature of stratification in the blowing sand cloud 被引量:6

The feature of stratification in the blowing sand cloud
摘要 The profiles of particle concentration in saltation layer versus height are calculated, by the motion equations for a saltating grain in conjunction with different probability distribution functions of the vertical liftoff velocities of grains and an empirical expression of wind velocity. The numerical results demonstrated that the stratification phenomenon exists in the particle concentration profiles and showed increasing, saturating and decreasing features, respectively, when the probability distribution functions of liftoff velocities adopted in the calculation are similar to a normal distribution or a two-parameter gamma distribution. When the distribution function of liftoff velocities is taken as an exponential form, the profile of particle concentration decreases monotonically. A numerical simulation of mass flux of grains, performed by the model suggested in this paper, is in reasonable accordance with the measured data. The profiles of particle concentration in saltation layer versus height are calculated, by the motion equations for a saltating grain in conjunction with different probability distribution functions of the vertical liftoff velocities of grains and an empirical expression of wind velocity. The numerical results demonstrated that the stratification phenomenon exists in the particle concentration profiles and showed increasing, saturating and decreasing features, respectively, when the probability distribution functions of liftoff velocities adopted in the calculation are similar to a normal distribution or a two-parameter gamma distribution. When the distribution function of liftoff velocities is taken as an exponential form, the profile of particle concentration decreases monotonically. A numerical simulation of mass flux of grains, performed by the model suggested in this paper, is in reasonable accordance with the measured data.
出处 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 2003年第14期1493-1498,共6页
基金 This work was supported by the National Key Basic Research Project(Grant No.G2000048702) the Foundation of the Ministry of Education of China for Key Sciences and Technologies.
关键词 风沙流 沙粒浓度 分层特征 概率分布函数 风速 数值模拟 windblown sand-flow, mathematical simulation, particle concentration, distribution of liftoff velocity.
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