目的 :通过新生儿促甲状腺素 (TSH)检测 ,了解浙江省先天性甲状腺功能减低症 (CH)的发病情况。方法 :采新生儿足跟末梢血滴入美国产 S& S 90 3滤纸中 ,应用时间分辨荧光分析技术 (DELFIA) ,以铕标记的 TSH试剂盒进行检测。结果 :在 4 2 979例新生儿中检出 TSH增高的可疑人数 112例 ,经血清 T3、T4、TSH检测确诊为 CH2 9例 ,确诊治疗最早时间为 13d,最晚为 5 9d,平均确诊治疗时间为 (2 7.9± 9.2 ) d。结论 :浙江省新生儿 CH发病率不低 ,开展对新生儿 TSH筛查 ,将有利于优生优育工作的开展和人口素质的提高。
Objective: Document the prevalence of congenital hypothyroidism in Zhejiang Province, by neonatal screening of TSH. Methods: DELFIA neonatal TSH kit was applied for the quantitative determination of thyrotropin in blood specimens dried on filter paper. Results: Among the 42 979 newborns, 112 had elevated hTSH concentration in blood. All had T3, T4 and TSH concentrations measured in serum and 29 were diagnosed as congenital hypothyroidism. The diagnosis time was 13 to 59 days and mean time was (27.9±9.2)days. Conclusion: The incidence of congenital hypothyroidism in Zhejiang Province is not low. The TSH screening in newborns is significant in eugenics and the improvement of population quality.
Journal of Zhejiang University(Medical Sciences)