陕西当地存在3种壁蜂:叉壁蜂Osmia pedicornis Cockerell、凹唇壁蜂Osmiaexcavata Alfken、角额壁蜂Osmia cornifrons(Radoszkowski),其中凹唇壁蜂和角额壁蜂在陕西为首次发现。3种壁蜂于早春苹果、梨、桃、杏等果树开花前后出来活动,均有较强的访花授粉特性,野生自然条件下,多在土洞、石缝、房屋墙壁等处营巢,对人工制作的芦苇管巢和纸管巢营巢率也很高。
Three species of Osmia, i. e., O. pedicornis Cockerell, O. excavata Alfken, O. cornifrons (Rad.), are found in Shaanxi Province in Northwestern China. The last two species are new records to this Province. All of them occur in early spring when apple, pear, peach, and apricot are blossoming and have a strong flower-visiting behavior. These bees build their nests in holes of stones and crevices of walls of houses in nature. Both artificial reed and paper tubes may be supplied for the bees in nest building. The experiments indicated that both kinds of man-made tubes are suited for the bees with a high rate of nest building. And the quantity and quality of the fruits of apple and pear pollinated by these bees are much higher than those of check.
Osmia fauna, Osmia pedicornis Cockerell, Osmia excavata Alfken, Osmia cornifr ons (Rad.), Pollination, Nest Building, Shaanxi.