In land-use data generalization, the removal of insignificant parcel withsmall size is the most frequently used operator. Traditionally for the generalization method, thesmall parcel is assigned completely to one of its neighbors. This study tries to improve thegeneralization by separating the insignificant parcel into parts around the weighted skeleton andassigning these parts to different neighbors. The distribution of the weighted skeleton depends onthe compatibility between the removed object and its neighbor, which considers not only topologicalrelationship but also distance relationship and semantic similarity. This process is based on theDelaunay triangulat'on model. This paper gives the detailed geometric algorithms for this operation.
In land-use data generalization, the removal of insignificant parcel with small size is the most frequently used operator. Traditionally for the generalization method, the small parcel is assigned completely to one of its neighbors. This study tries to improve the generalization by separating the insignificant parcel into parts around the weighted skeleton and assigning these parts to different neighbors. The distribution of the weighted skeleton depends on the compatibility between the removed object and its neighbor, which considers not only topological relationship but also distance relationship and semantic similarity. This process is based on the Delaunay triangulation model. This paper gives the detailed geometric algorithms for this operation.
OpenResearchFundProgramofLIESMARS (No .(0 2 ) 0 30 1 )andNationalScienceFoundation,China (No.40 1 0 1 0 2 3)