

Research and Implementation of the Repository System of the Publishing Company Based on Alfresco
摘要 针对出版社内资源采集渠道不便,资源管理混乱等问题,本文使用开源资源库Alfresco开发全新的资源库系统,实现了对社内资源的重新整合与统一管理。特别是,提出词语语义相似度加权的TextRank方法对采集到的文本资源进行自动标注,这对数字出版中教材的创作有着非常大的帮助作用。 A new resource repository is developed with the Alfresco development tool, in order to solve the problems of inconvenient collection of resources and disordered management of resources in publishing companies, thus realizing the reintegration and unified management of the resources. Featuring similarity weighting of words’ semantic meaning, the TextRank method, particularly mentioning, can automatically mark the text resources. As a result, it is helpful for the creation of new digital textbooks.
作者 李亚芬 李征
出处 《软件》 2015年第5期34-39,共6页 Software
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(批准号:61174109)
关键词 数字出版 资源库 Alfresco TextRank Digital publishing,Repository,Alfresco,Text Rank
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