目的 观察连锁杀蟑饵剂在不同条件下的连锁灭蟑效果 ,并探讨其应用前景。方法 参照国标测试饵剂药效方法。利用试虫的“有毒”粪便、“有毒”虫尸 ,作为下一步实验试虫的食物 ,分别测试若虫、成虫的连锁实验 ,并测试有、无外源食物竞争情况下的连锁作用。结果 必扑杀蟑饵剂药效达到国标B级标准 ,在无外源食物竞争情况下 ,对若虫、成虫显示出良好连续杀灭效果 ,但若有外源食物竞争 ,则这一效果明显下降。结论 连锁杀蟑饵剂有连锁灭蟑效果。
Objective To observe the effect of chain-bait Mortein Plus Nest Kill in all kind of condition and application foreground in fact.Methods To test the killing effect of the bait according to the national standard. To collect the dejecta and body of the cockroach as the food of the cockroach to the next experiment.Then,to test the chain effect to the imago and nymphae respectively.To test the effect with and without other food respectively.Results The killing effect of the bait reached the B level of the national standard and good chain effect to imago and nymphae.But the effect will go down if other food is available.Conclusion The Mortein Plus Nest Kill has chain-bait effect.
Chinese Journal of Vector Biology and Control