
中国公私观念研究综述 被引量:30

A Summarization of the Study of the Senses of “Gong” and “Si” in China
摘要 公私观念 ,是中国文化中最富活力的思想因子之一 ;公私之辨 ,是古今一以贯之的思想母题。春秋战国诸子争鸣 ,已提出崇公抑私的命题 ,至于秦汉之际 ,“大道之行也 ,天下为公”的社会理念基本成型。其后 ,“公”本位思想一直占据传统思维主流 ,其中间或有“私”本位观念萌动、抬头 ,但一直是思想界的弱势群体。至于近现代 ,“公天下”观念仍是发动一次次社会改革与革命的强大思想引擎。百年来 ,中国社会所经历的从传统向现代形态转型的每一重要阶段 ,无一不伴随着公私观念的激烈争论。公私难分 ,剪不断 ,理还乱 ;公私纠缠 ,才下眉头 ,却上心头。自先秦始 ,这一领域积淀了大量的思想遗产。许多学者对此进行了广泛、多元、分层的研究。目前 ,这些成果尚呈弥散状态 ,对它们按照不同专题进行一番清理 ,将为进一步的深度研究提供一条大致准确的起跑线。 Each of the senses of Gong (“Public”) and Si (“private”) is one of the vital factors of thought in Chinese culture. To distinguish the senses Gong and Si has been all along a main subject in discussion of thought. In the period from the Spring and Autumn to the Warring States, scholars debate for these thought. The sense of “public-own” or “private own” was then formed. In the turn between the Qin and the Han, the idea of “when the way of virtue and justice prevails, the whole world will be one community” shaped. From then on, the sense of “public own” became the mainstream of thought and the sense of “private own” stirred by a few group of people once in a while appearing to be a weak formation in the circles of ideologist. By the modern times, the idea of the “public own world” still served as an engine calling a reformation or revolution into action. In recent hundred years the debate over the “public or private” has been going along with every stage of transformation of social formation from tradition to modern the Chinese society experienced. So stick in the mud the private ownership mentality is kept in the individual's mind. So undifferentiable was the idea of Gong and Si for those who formed the ruling circles. Scholars from the pre-Qin period up to the present times have made studies on this subject, wide, deep, and polyphase, a rich cultural heritage as it is as helpful for us to probe inot this subject to achieve approximately correct start line so as to run to the end to make clear the contemporary continuation and significance of the differenciation of “public and private”.
作者 刘畅
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期73-82,共10页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
关键词 中国思想史 公私观念 研究综述 Senses fo “Gong (public)” and “Si (private)” The History fo the Thought in Ancient China Wrap-up of Research
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