1998年儿科专业从本科目录取消后 ,应当采取什么方式或途径培养儿科专业医学人才是儿科医学界十分关注的问题。为此 ,采用问卷调查形式 ,对上海地区和全国 18所儿童医院的儿科医师队伍、医疗任务进行了调研。调查结果显示 ,现有儿科医师结构不合理 ,儿科医疗市场需求量大 ,而医师队伍从数量或质量上都必须提高。因此 ,必须进一步深化教育改革、调整临床医学专业儿科课程、拓宽知识面 ,为今后培养儿科专科医师打下良好基础 ;必须加强儿科住院医师规范化培训后考核力度 ,为进入专门化培训、选拔优秀人才提供依据 ;尽快建立儿科医师继续医学教育基地 ,为儿科医学事业的发展培养高素质人才。
Finding a proper way to train pediatrician has been a concern in the fields of pediatrics after it was eliminated as a category of undergraduate specialty in 1998. We investigated pediatricians and medical tasks through questionnaire. in 18 children's hospitals around Shanghai and the other areas of our country. The results showed an unreasonable structure of pediatrician staff today and a big market in children's medical treatment. But both of quantity and quality of pediatricias must be improved. So the education reform must be deepened and pediatric curriculum adjusted in order to broaden knowledge and do spadework of training specialized pediatrician in the future; meanwhile, the standard training and assessment vigor of pediatric residents must be strengthened so as to select excellent person for specialized training; specialized training base of pediatrician should be set up as rapidly as possible to foster high level pediatricians for the development of pediatrics.
China Higher Medical Education