
高校教师聘任制改革的探索与有效性审查 被引量:22

Thoughts on the enforcement of faculty employment-appointment system in higher institutions
摘要 The core of personnel system reform in higher institutions is the employment\|appointment system. The efficiency of faculty employment\|appointment system is basically decided by the understanding and adaptability level of the role of teachers. The system should stick to not only the value inclination of being efficient and equal but also the value principle of personal and academic freedom. To keep certain tension between the two value principles is an important premise to succeed in the reform. And the choices of strategy to implement it include such five aspects as the model of post installation, assurance of the relation between employment\|appointment and evaluation, time limit to employment\|appointment, management of post employment and the process of enforcement. The core of personnel system reform in higher institutions is the employment\|appointment system. The efficiency of faculty employment\|appointment system is basically decided by the understanding and adaptability level of the role of teachers. The system should stick to not only the value inclination of being efficient and equal but also the value principle of personal and academic freedom. To keep certain tension between the two value principles is an important premise to succeed in the reform. And the choices of strategy to implement it include such five aspects as the model of post installation, assurance of the relation between employment\|appointment and evaluation, time limit to employment\|appointment, management of post employment and the process of enforcement.
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第5期43-45,共3页 Journal of Higher Education
基金 全国教育科学"十五"规划课题"新形势下中国大学组织与管理改革的研究"的子课题"高校教师聘任制研究"的阶段性研究成果。
关键词 高校 教师聘任制 人事管理 有效性 学术职业 学术环境 faculty employment-appointment system in higher institutions personnel system reform the role of teachers of higher institutions
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