为了确保螺杆钻具的效率和使用寿命 ,研究了采用液马达驱动的螺杆钻具逆向检测试验法。此法只是类比试验 ,因此报表中的压力、转速、扭矩、功率和效率或特性曲线并不准确反映钻具的特性 ,但经过一定的经验积累 ,用户根据这些参数 ,可以方便而准确地判断出螺杆钻具性能的好坏 ,甚至可以判断低性能钻具的问题所在。鉴于螺杆钻具在出厂前的检测试验目的并不在于得到钻具准确的性能指标 ,而是评价钻具是否合格 ,故此法完全满足检测要求 ,所得结果可以用于产品检验 ,生成的报表直观、实用。
In order to ensure the efficiency and service life of screw drilling tools, an inverse inspection method for screw drilling tools driven by hydraulic motor is investigated. The method is merely an analog method, therefore the data in the report forms are not the accurate characteristic parameters of the drilling tool. However, according to these parameters, the performance of the drilling tool can be concluded previously and conveniently based on the accumulation of experience, even the problems in the drilling tools can be found. The inverse inspection method can meet the need of the inspection of screw drilling tools.
China Petroleum Machinery