Neogene System,all of which is composed of terrestrial facies red beds of Miocene Se-ries,is widespreaded over Xining-Minhe basin,occupying about 25% of the total area,with a maxi-mum recorded thicknees of 1595.85m.The red beds of Miocene series can be divided into four formations(from the bottom to the top),i.e.Xiejia,Chetogou,Xianshuihe,Linxia Formations;each formation can be subdivided into two litho-logic members.The fossils containing in Miocene Series have been identified as follows:Mammalia 28genera,37 species;Ostracodes 15 genera,43 species;Charophyte 7 genera,10 species;and 3 sporo-pollen assemblages,etc..The Miocene Series is in a conformable contact with Mahalagou Formation of Oligocene Seriesdownwards and underlies unconformably Qraternary System.The evolution trend of the Mammaliathere is manifested evidently in following sequence:grass Ochotona—as main order—grass Ochotonamixed with forest Proboscidea and Cervus—abnundant forest Probooscidea companied with Ochotonagrass Hipparion fauna.The genera and species of Ostracoda are common in the biocommunity ofPalaeo-China Continent in Miocene Epoch times.The Charophyte assemblage can be found freqently inTertiary System in China.The Sporopollen is a grass-forest assemblage.Because of abundant fossils,clear Stratigraphic sequence and contact relation,the studied area should be taken as an important placeto study the Miocene Series in Chine.
Miocene Series sequence Mammalian fossil Xining-Minhe basin