目的 了解供应合格碘盐浓度下 ,新疆重点人群的碘营养状况。方法 对乌鲁木齐市和呼图壁县区域内的重点人群进行一次性调查。结果 城市重点人群的尿碘平均水平 (188.7μg/ L)略高于农村人群 (185 .4μg/ L) ,但差异无显著意义 (P >0 .0 5 )。城市组由高到低依次为 0~ 2岁婴幼儿、8~ 10岁儿童、哺乳期妇女、育龄妇女、孕妇 ;农村组由高到低依次为 0~ 2岁婴幼儿、孕妇、哺乳期妇女、育龄妇女、8~ 10岁儿童。城市组两两比较 ,8~ 10岁儿童与育龄妇女 ,育龄妇女与哺期乳妇女、0~ 2岁婴幼儿 ,孕妇与哺乳期妇女、0~ 2岁婴幼儿间差异均有显著意义 (P <0 .0 5或 P <0 .0 1) ;农村组两两比较 ,8~ 10岁儿童与孕妇、哺乳期妇女、0~ 2岁婴幼儿 ,育龄妇女与孕妇、0~ 2岁婴幼儿 ,哺乳期妇女与 0~ 2岁婴幼儿间差异均有显著意义 (P <0 .0 5或 P <0 .0 1)。结论 新疆重点人群在食用现行标准碘盐下均达到了适宜的碘营养水平 ,建议应维持现行碘盐浓度 (35± 15 ) m g/ kg。
Objective To find out iodine nutrition condition of emphatic crowds in Xinjiang who used qualified concentration of salt iodine.Methods This paper reported the results of one off investigation into iodine nutrition condition of emphatic crowds in Urumqi and Hutubi in Xinjiang.Results It showed that the average of urine iodine of the emphatic crowds in city (188.7 μg/L) was higher than that in village (185.4 μg/L),P> 0.05 .The average age of urine iodine of the emphatic crowds in city from high to low were 0~2 year old infants, 8~10 year old school children,women of beast feeding age,women of child bearing age and pregnant women.In village it from high to low were 0~2 year old infants,pregnant women,women of beast feeding age, women of child bearing age and 8~10 year old school children. There was difference in the average of urine iodine(P< 0.05 or P<0.01)between 8~10 year old school children and women of child bearing age, between women of child bearing age and 0~2 year old infants or women of beast feeding age,between pregnant women and 0~2 year old infants or women of beast feeding age in city.On the other hand,in village between 8~10 year old school children and pregnant women or 0~2 year old infants or women of beast feeding age, between women of child bearing age and pregnant women or 0~2 year old infants,between women of beast feeding age and 0~2 year old infants,the average of urine iodine had difference (P<0.05 or P<0.01).Conclusions By using concentration of salt iodine(35±15)mg/kg,the iodine nutrition of emphatic crowds in Xinjiang is suitable. Suggest to keep this concentration of salt iodine.
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
卫生部疾病控制司资助项目 (2 0 0 2 -0 1)
emphatic crowds
iodine nutrition