本文系统回顾了国内外对统一市场和转型期中国国内市场分割问题的研究进展。分析认为 ,从研究方法看 ,国内学者注重现象描述和逻辑归纳 ,但缺少必要的数量分析 ,难以准确地说明市场分割的程度 ;国外学者更多运用计量经济手段进行实证研究 ,但是由于他们对中国国情、数据口径的不了解 ,结论难以令人信服。从研究结果看 ,虽然近年来中央政府采取了一系列措施消除市场分割和地区保护的问题 ,但是国内统一市场的发展状况不尽如人意 ,打破藩篱、实现真正意义上的国内统一市场是中国下阶段经济体制改革的重要任务。
This article offers a systematic retrospect of research findings at home and abroad concerning unified market and division of the Chinese market in the transitional period. From the perspective of research methods, the article holds, Chinese researchers tend to focus on description of facts and logical induction, and they seldom use quantitative approaches necessary for giving precise explanations of the degree of market division. Researchers abroad, on the other hand, prefer to use quantitative methods to conduct deduction based on evidence. However, as they are often unfamiliar with the actual situations in China, the data they collected lack reliability and validity, and thus their conclusions are often questionable. From the perspective of the consequent results of the researches, the author maintains, although the central government has adopted a series of measures to eliminate division of the market and solve the problem of local protection, the process of unifying the domestic market is not yet satisfactory. The author concludes that an important task for economic reform is to break up regional barriers to establish a unified domestic market in its real sense.
Teaching and Research
国家社科基金重点研究项目"建立和规范社会主义统一市场秩序研究"(项目编号 :0 2AJL0 0 2 )中期研究成果之一