本文从理论和实践相结合的角度 ,对天津市妇联小额贷款扶助下岗女工项目的运作机制和成功诱因进行了剖析。认为项目在推进资源配置方面实现了“帕累托改进” ,城市具备推进该项目的环境条件是其成功的基础。文章阐发了小额联保贷款对提高城市扶持再就业资金使用效率 ,培养下岗女工再就业的自立、自尊、自信、自强意识 ,推动了城市新型合作机制的建设和全面提高妇女素质的重要意义。
Combining theories with practices, the article analyzes the operation mechanism and success reason of the micro-credit project aiming at the laid-off women by the Tianjin Women' Union. The authors think that the project realized the “Pareto Betterment” in the aspect of pushing resource allocation. The key to success is the urban environmental condition in the course of promoting this project. The article explains the significance of micro-credit on enhancing the fund efficiency, bringing up laid-off women' consciousness of independence, self-respect and confidence, pushing the construction of new municipal cooperative mechanism, and improving women' all-around ability. =
Population & Economics