通过比较中、美、日三国学校体育中课外体育活动的形式与功能定位的不同 ,认为三国在形式与功能方面存在明显的差异 :从形式看 ,美国课外体育活动形式多样 ,基本满足大多数学生的运动需求 ;日本学校课外体育活动注重采用俱乐部这一学生喜闻乐见的形式 ;中国的课外体育活动仍沿用仅次于课的形式。从功能定位上看 ,美、日两国注重课外体育活动对人的内在潜质发展 ,中国的课外体育活动功能上仍是体育课的延续 ,注重对学生的显性教育。
By comparing the difference in form and function in out-class PE between China, America and Japan , we find that in the form , the out-class PE in America has a lots of form and these make it easy for students to participate . in it's function , the recessive education is pay much attention in out-class PE in America and Japan.
Journal of Nanjing Institute of Physical Education