目的 了解宁夏南部山区包虫病患者的分布情况及与性别、民族和职业间的关系。 方法 汇集南部山区 7家县医院住院确诊为包虫病患者的病案进行回顾性调查。 结果 包虫病患者分布于固原县 12个乡镇、海原县 2 2个乡镇、同心县 2 1个乡镇、西吉县 2 2个乡镇、彭阳县 13个乡镇 ,隆德县和泾源县各 1个乡有个案病例 ;1996~ 2 0 0 1年 7家县医院收治包虫病患者 94 1例 ,发病构成比女性 (6 3.6 6 % )明显高于男性 (36 .34% ) ,回族 (70 .0 3% )高于汉族 (2 9.97% ) ;不同职业人群包虫病患者中农民为高发人群 ,占 75 .0 3% ,其次为学生 (17.5 3% ) ,干部和工人较低 ,各占 3.72 % ;棘球蚴寄生以肝脏为多发部位 ,占 78.85 % ,其次为肺脏 (11.37% )和多脏器同时寄生者 (6 .5 9% ) ;棘球蚴感染发病年龄主要是11~ 4 0岁的中青年 ,占总病例数的 80 .76 % ,5 0岁以上者逐渐减少。 结论 包虫病在宁夏南部山区 5县 90个乡镇普遍流行 ,农民为高发人群。男女、回族与汉族之间发病构成比存在一定的差异。
Objective To understand the cases distribution of hydatidosis in the Southern Mountaineers of Ningxia, China and its relationship with sex, nationality and occupation. Methods To collect and survey all the histories of hydatidosis patients diagnosed by the seven county hospitals in the Southern Mountain area of Ningxia. Results Hydatidosis patients were widely distributed in 12 towns of Guyuan County, 22 towns of Haiyuan County, 21 towns of Tongxin County, 22 towns of Xiji County, 13 towns of Pengyang County, and one case in Longde County and Jingyuan County respectively. During the years 1996-2001 the seven county hospitals received 941 cases of hydatidosis. The disease ratio of female to male was obviously higher (female covering 63.66%, male covering 36.34 %); the disease ratio of Hui to Han was higher (Hui covering 70.03%, han covering 29.97%). Among the patients from different occupations, peasant patients cover 75.03%, then students cover 17.53%, cadre and worker patients cover 3.72% respectively. The hydatid cyst parasitized mainly in liver, covering 78.85%; then in lung, covering 11.37%; and in several organs synchronously covering 6.59%. The age of the infection and disease of hydatidosis varies from 11 to 40 in young people. The young patients covers 80.76 % of total cases. The patients over 50 diminish gradually. Conclusion The hydatidosis prevails in the 90 towns of the five counties in the Southern Mountaineers of Ningxia, mainly among the farmers. Differences exist in the disease ratios between male and female as well as Hui and Han people.
Chinese Journal of Parasitic Disease Control
mountain area
patients with hydatidosis