目的 探讨西藏大骨节病分布范围变化与耕地变化的关系。方法 运用地理信息系统显示方法和统计技术,将西藏20世纪80年代和1999年大骨节病县分布范围变化分为非病县、老病县和新病县,分别统计各县10年间耕地变化情况。结果 西藏大骨节病主要分布在农业县和半农半牧县,牧业县很少有大骨节病分布;新增加的病县主要集中在耕地明显增加的地区。结论 西藏大骨节病分布的明显增加与农业、农村居民由牧业人口向农业人口转化有关,退耕还牧应成为控制西藏大骨节病的重要措施之一。
Objective To explore the relationship between the expand of KBD distribution and the land use changes in Tibet. Methods Using Geograpilic Information System (CIS) technique classified all counties in Tibet by KBD distribution changes from 1980s to 1999 as non - KBD counties, old - KBD counties and new - KBD counties. Analysed the cultivated land changes in each county from 1990 to 1999. Results KBD in Tibet mainly distributes in agricultural counties and half- agricultural counties, minor distributes in paturing counties. Cultivated land in new - KBD counties have significant increases from 1990 to 1999. Conclusions The expand of KBD distribution in Tibet have significant relations to the agricultural development and the increase of cultivated land. Quit farming to grazing should be one of the key methods to control KBD in Tibet.
Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases