Piped transmission of crude oil has a number of advantages compared to other forms of transport: low investment, cost-effectiveness, high transmission volumes, low energy consumption, less pollution, continuity, stability and safety. The relative location of crude production and processing is not advantageous in China at the present lime, especially in the operational regions of Sinopec. These areas include North China, East China, Central China, and South China. In those regions, crude processing capacity has far outpaced crude production capacity. It is necessary for Sinopec to address the potential for pipelines so that it can make better use of the resources both at home and abroad and boost competitiveness. The strategic objective of Sinopec for crude oil pipeline development is to continually optimize and adjust its existing crude pipeline business structure according to the supply-demand situation of resources both at home and abroad in order to keep the crude oil flowing in a reasonable and economic way. Based on the existing longdistance transmission pipelines in East China and Northeast China, newly constructed long-distance crude pipelines should be linked to Sinopec's existing pipelines to form a ring crude transmission pipeline network system that can adequately take in crude oil from both foreign and domestic sources. To realize this objective, it is necessary to continue optimization and adjustment oi' the crude pipeline business structure and expand the crude pipeline business market.
International Petroleum Economics