教师权威是保持教育教学秩序 ,完成教育教学任务的必要条件。以往的教育教学大多是在“外在依附”的先验教师权威下进行的 ,使生机昂然的教育教学活动蜕化为僵化、机械的过程 ,抑制了教师、学生的创新精神及其独立人格的生成。现代教育越来越需要教师权威由“外在依附”转化为“内在生成”,这是时代发展和教育改革的需要 ,也是教师。
The authority of teachers is the essential prere qu isite to the keeping of teaching order and fulfillment of educational aim. The t raditional teaching, which was always organized under the authority of experienc ed teachers, made teaching a rigid and mechanical process, restrained both teach ers' and students' sense of innovation and hindered the development of their ind ependent personality. Nowadays, education requires the authority of teachers to change from 'external dependence' into 'inner formation' so as to satisfy th e needs of the social progress and educational reform and the development of tea chers' and students' sense of independence and innovation.
Educational Research