桃江县地处湘中偏北,资水从县境中间穿过,腰子仑墓地位于桃江县城关镇东南8公里处的桃谷山乡腰子仑村(图一;图版壹,1)。从县城往南去灰山港的简易公路在墓地西边辟开一道缺口,当年修筑公路时,曾挖出多件越式青铜器,大部分器物当场遭到破坏并已散失。 1986年5月,当地村民在墓地西南边掘土时发现铜剑等器物。
Taojiang County is situated in north middle Hunan Province. The cemetery lies in Yaozilun Village, Taogushan Township, 8 km southeast of Taojiang County seat. From 1987 to 1990, the Hunan Provincial Bureau of Cultural Relics and the Yiyang Municipal Archaeological Team carried out three seasons of excavations and brought to light 113 tombs of the Spring and Autumn period. Most of the graves are narrow rectangular earthen pits.
The funeral objects include weapons, practical bronzes and production tools, as well as numbers of pottery ding-tripods, guan-jars and li-tripods. The characteristics of the burial types and funeral objects show that these tombs belong to the Yue state of the Spring and Autumn period. The cemetery has the following characteristics; 1) Unlike the previously excavated Yue tombs that yielded lots of bronze objects but few pottery vessels, the present cemetery contains a great number of pottery objects in combinations. The pottery ding-tripod with ox-horn-shaped handles in imitation of its bronze counterparts in the Yue style is the most characteristic. The co-existence of Yue cultural elements with Chu ones occurs in many tombs. 2) This cemetery has not been disturbed and many tombs are intruded into each other, which is very rare among the previously recorded Yue graves. 3) It is generally believed that the Yue-style pottery unearthed from the Hunan, Guangxi and Guangdong regions features stamped patterns, which, however, has not encountered in any burials of the Yaozilun cemetery. Perhaps the middle and lower Zishui River valleys belonged to another branch of the Yue culture.
Acta Archaeologica Sinica