
对中国劳动力市场中教育促进劳动生产率作用的实证检验 被引量:18

A Test of Educational Contribution to Augmenting Productivity in China
摘要 在中国特定的文化以及制度环境中,教育的个人收益率所反映的教育与收入的关系究竟来自社会对教育的信号作用的认同,还是代表了教育确实对提高劳动生产率产生的贡献?教育的生产性功能和筛选功能究竟是在多大程度上发挥作用的?随着市场经济的不断完善,教育的生产性功能与信息性功能是否会有变化?变化的趋势又如何?本文通过将中国劳动力市场中不同部门、不同地域的教育收益率进行对比,评估中国劳动力市场中教育的生产促进和筛选作用。同时通过对比不同时点进入劳动力市场的劳动者的教育收益率,验证教育的信息性功能与生产性功能变化的趋势,并从侧面检验中国劳动力市场的市场化进程。 Under the given cultures and institutional circumstances of China, does the relationship between the education and the income reflected by the personal rate of return to schooling come from the society's identification of the educational signaling, or represent the educational contribution to augmenting productivity? If so, to what extent do the productive function of education and the signaling function of education work respectively? Along with the market economy growing up gradually, will the productive function and the signaling function of education change? And what is the trend of this change? This paper compares the rate of return to schooling in different sectors and different regions, and assesses the educational contribution to augmenting productivity and the educational signaling function. At the same time, this paper compares the rate of return to schooling of the workers who entry labor market at the different periods, in order that we can explore the change trends of the educational signaling function and its productive function and suggest the marketization course of China 's labor market on side face.
出处 《清华大学教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第5期41-45,共5页 Tsinghua Journal of Education
关键词 中国 劳动力市场 劳动生产率 人力资本理论 筛选理 教育收益率 受教育程度 human capital theory screening hypothesis labor market competitiveness rate of return to schooling
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