南极冰盖自形成以来就一直是全球环境体系最重要的组成部分 ,其扩展和消融的动态演化过程不仅是南极大陆最重要的地质过程 ,而且也是全球气候和环境变化最直接的反映和体现。因此 ,有关这一课题的研究一直是国际地质学界所关注的热点。本文回顾了南极冰川和气候演化研究的历史 ,总结了当前这方面研究的成果以及所存在的问题 ,探讨了其未来的发展趋势 ,在此基础上 ,对我国南极考察队发现格罗夫山 (GroveMountains)
Antarctic Ice Sheet has been one of the most important components of the global environmental regime ever since its formation in the Antarctic continent from the early Cenozoic. Its dynamic evolution not only controls all the geological processes including weathering, transportation, and sedimentation happened in Antarctic region, but also reflects and partly controls the global change. Therefore, it is of great significance to study its evolutionary history. So far, a lot of efforts have been made in the studying on the reconstruction of Antarctic Ice Sheet evolutionary history. In this paper, the authors reviewed the former research works in different regions over Antarctic continent and its surrounding sub Antarctic off shore continental shelf, slope and rise, and some deep sea basins. By summarizing the achievements so far have been made in the studies upon the Cenozoic sedimentary strata both in the Antarctic continents and the surrounding oceans, we can conclude that a combination of circum-Antarctic, pan Antarctic and basin specific zonations will be necessary to date and correlate sediments and events within and between polar basins and to assess the impact of Anatrctic Cenozoic climate fluctuations on the geological records at hemispheric and global scales in the future. Special significance of the Cenozoic sediments and sedimentary rocks recently found in Grove Mountains of east Antarctica by Chinese Antarctic Exploration Team has been discussed briefly in the end of this paper.
Chinese Journal of Polar Research
国家自然科学基金项目 ( 40 2 0 2 0 34 )
科技部攻关项目 ( 98- 92 7- 0 1- 0 6 )