The identifying models of the parameters in a logistic function are introduced in this paper at first.Then the identifying models are used to analyze the output series of Tobacco Industry in the World.The parameters in the logistic function are gained and the demonstrative model on the growth process of Tobacco Industry in the World is formulated.The demonstrative model predicts the development trends of China tobacco industry.
The identifying models of the parameters in a logistic function are introduced in this paper at first.Then the identifying models are used to analyze the output series of Tobacco Industry in the World.The parameters in the logistic function are gained and the demonstrative model on the growth process of Tobacco Industry in the World is formulated.The demonstrative model predicts the development trends of China tobacco industry.
Statistical Research
国家烟草专卖局应用基础软科学项目基金资助项目 [国烟科字 1999( 4 3 2 )号 ]