目的 探讨登革热对妊娠的影响。方法 对35例妊娠合并登革热进行回顾性分析。结果35例患者有27例出现不正常分娩及产后大出血,有22例出现流产、死胎、早产及畸胎。结论 妊娠合并登革热在妊娠早期可出现流产或死胎,中期可引起早产,晚期可出现产后大出血。
Objective To study tile impact of dengue fever onpregnancy. Methods From 1986 to 1998, 35 clinically - recorded pregnant cases accompanied with dengue fever were retrospectively analyzed. Results occurred to 27 cases abnomial delivery and postpartum hemorrhage. 22 cases result in abortion, fetal death, premature delivery abnormal embryo. Conclusion pregnancy accompanied with dengue fever can result in abortion or fetal death in early pregnancy, premature delivery in middle pregnancy and postpartum hemorrhage in late pregnancy.
China Tropical Medicine