重庆市每年都会产生大量的危险废物 ,直接威胁到了重庆市的水环境及生态环境 ,因此 ,有效的管理重庆市的危险废物是处理和处置的重要保证。主要介绍了基于GIS危险废物管理信息系统的设计 ,将危险废物、计算机技术和GIS技术相结合 ,为危险废物的管理提供快捷、方便、科学的管理和决策支持。该系统包括六个子系统 ,分别是数据输入、数据查询、数据库管理和维护、模型库、决策支持、系统管理。该系统具有界面友好、操作方便、实用等特点 。
The large quantity of hazardous waste yielded in Chongqing has been threatening ecological environment and water resource.It is very important to manage hazardous waste effectively.This paper describes the developing of Management Information System(MIS) of the hazardous waste in Chongqing based on the GIS.Integrating hazardous waste with computer and Geographic Information System(GIS),it can provide the reliable,scientific and convenient management and decision-making support of hazardous waste in Chongqing.Including data input sub-system,data query sub-system,database management and maintenance sub-system,database of modal and decision-making support sub-system etc.The information system provides friendly,easy operational interface and practicality,which will play a significant role in the management of hazardous waste in Chongqing.
Environmental Protection of Xinjiang