目的 :探讨肝素钠抗凝血浆与血清的生化检验结果的差异。方法 :在相同条件下测定血浆和血清中多项生化指标。结果 :钠、碳酸氢根、尿素、肌酸激酶、肌酸激酶MB同功酶、乳酸脱氢酶、谷草转氨酶、总胆红素、直接胆红素血清与血浆结果差异无显著性 ;钙、镁、肌酐、钾、氯、葡萄糖、乳酸、α -淀粉酶血清与血浆差异有显著性。结论 :血清与血浆部分生化指标结果差异有显著性 ,具有一定的临床价值 。
Objective:To study the difference of biochemical results betwe en plasma anti-coagulated by heparin and serum.Methods:To test many biochemical markers of plasma and serum under the same condition.Results:There were no significant differences between plasma and serum in Na + ?HCO 3- ?Urea?CK?CKMB?LDH?GOT?TB?DB.As to Ca 2+ ?Mg 2+ ?Cr?K + ?Cl - ,Glucose,Lactate,a-Amy,there were significant differences.Conclusion:Some results have significant differences between serum and plasma,which have some clinical value.We should note the samples carefully,which can provide reference for the doctor.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health