本文根据云南省近20年的鼠疫监测资料和数据,对该省印鼠客蚤Xenopsylla cheopis的地理分布特性及其与鼠疫关系等内容进行了综合分析和讨论。认为云南近年鼠疫大面积的爆发流行与其分布和数量构成特征有关。此外,对鼠疫流行区中的重要蚤种缓慢细蚤Leptopsylla segnis和人蚤Pulex irritansd的媒介地位和作用也进行了评估。
Based on the datum of the surveillance of the plague in Yunnan Province for recent twenty years. We anlysed and discussed the characteristics of Xenopsylla cheopis and the relations with the plague in Yunnan Province. In conclusion, the epidemics of the plague were related to the distributions and the consituations of guantities of WTXenopsylla cheopis in Yunnan Province. In addition, we consideration that Leptopsylla segnis and Pulex irritans plaged the impotent species as vectors of the dissemination in the plague endemic area.
Journal of Medical Pest Control