蠕形螨是寄生人和动物体上的小型螨类,人经毛囊蠕形螨 Demodex folliculorum 和皮脂蠕形螨 Demodex brevis 感染后,一般不产生明显危害性,但感染严重时,可使局部组织出现炎症反应和病变,从而引起毛囊蠕形螨病(毛囊虫皮炎),目前国内已有不少病例报道。近年来据国内外报道,人受蠕形螨的感染较为广泛,其感染率可因不同地区的气候条件、卫生状况及人受蠕形螨感染的敏感差异而有所不同。为此。
1243 normal persons from age 8 months to 81 years of different occupations were examined for hair follicle mites in Foochow,Amoy,Pingtan and Wuyishan in Fukien Province.The result was 211 positive cases,with the rate of infection being 16.98%;1032 negative cases,83.02%;male is little higher than female.The rate of infection among children and above 60 years of age is higher than other age groups.The rate of infection among urban populations is little lower than mountanous area and coastal island.Among 211 positive cases,the degree of in- fection of'+'is the most,being 75.83%;while'+++'is very low,only 7.11%. Most cases are infected with Demodex folliculorum and very few are D.brevis or two species mixed.All life history stages can be found in'+++'cases,while only adult mites can be found in'+'cases.Naso-facial groove area rich in sebaceous secretions,infection of mites is higher than auditory meatus.The route of infec- tion seems to be related to intimate contact among family members and common use of towels and basins,further investigation is needed.
Wuyi Science Journal