聚酰亚胺 (PI)作为一种功能材料 ,具有良好的介电性、优良力学性能 ,已被广泛应用于航空航天及微电子领域 ,但其明显的吸水性和热膨胀性限制了其在高温和精密状态下的应用。无机纳米材料具有很低的热膨胀系数和较低的吸水性 ,非常适合于对PI的改性。本文阐述了PI纳米杂化材料的制备方法。概要介绍了PI纳米杂化材料的类型、特点、性能及应用领域 。
Polyimide(PI) has been considered to be suitable matrix polymers for advanced technological applications in the microelectronics and aircraft industries,because it possess excellent chemical,physical,thermal and mechanical properties With the increasing and urgent market demand to produce higher performance electronic devices with smaller size,lighter weight and better quality,the applications of PI are limited owing its high coefficient of thermal expansion and moisture absorption in higher performance electronic devices at high temperature To date,one of the best ways to improve properties of PI is to introduce nanometer materials into the PI matrix and yield polyimide nanocomposites of inorganic nanometer hybrid. In this paper,the preparation methods of polyimide hybrid materials were illustrated firstly Then the normal types, properties and applications of polyimide hybrid materials were introduced In addition,the tendency of polyimlde hybrid materials was predicted
Polymer Bulletin