到目前为止已有多种基于语义Web的语言。这些语言实现了基于Web的知识表示、共享和重用。重点分析了语义Web的几种语言:XML规范簇、RDF、RDF Schema、DAML+OIL。在此基础上给出了语义Web技术的重要应用——电子商务中核心语言的分层结构。该结构中XML规范簇完成了数据描述功能,RDF用于描述元数据,RDF Schema提供了基本的本体原语,DAML+OIL提供了推理功能,利用这些语言,可以实现电子商务中数据描述的统一性、通用性及互操作性。
Several languages have been proposed as candidates for the semantic Web. The languages implement the Web-based knowledge representation, sharing and reusing.This paper emphatically analyzes several languages of the semantic Web, such as XML, RDF, RDF schema, and DAML + OIL. The core languages of layer model of electronic commerce is suggested here, which is an important application of the semantic Web. In the layer model,XML describes the Web-based informadon, while RDF describing metadata. RDF schema providing basic ontological primitive,and DAML+ OIL supplying inference. Unification,universalism and operation can be used in the E-commerce, when theses languages are used.
Application Research of Computers