目的 :研究金属烤瓷冠修复的临床医生与患者目视比色之间的差异。方法 :应用PR650型分光光谱测色仪 ,在离体黑背景下 ,对本院修复科门诊前牙镍铬金属烤瓷冠修复的 69例患者中 ,医生与患者所选Vita比色板色样的色度值进行了测量 ,测量结果用CIE1976L a b 系统表示。结果 :医生选色比患者平均明度偏亮、平均红绿色品偏红。医生选用Vita比色板A系列色样的占 65.2 % ,尤其A2、A3较多 ,而患者选色各系列较为平均。结论
Objective: To study the difference of shade selecton be tween dentists and patients. Method:The color values of t he shade tabs of the Vita shade guide in the black background selected by 69 patients who would have porcelain fused to nickelchromium metal crowns for the ir anterior teeth in the prosthodontic clinic and the color values selected by relevant prosthodontists in matching nature teeth were compared by the use of P R650 spectrophotometer. CIE1976 L *a *b * color system was adopted to demonst rate the color data. Results: The L * values selected by the dentists and patients were 74.83±3.77 and 73.58±3.29 (P<0.05), a * 0.44±0.68 and 0.13±0.84 (P<0.01),b * 16.68±1.74 and 16.42±3.30 (P >0.05). respectively.The frequency (%) of the selection of shade tab A by the dentists and patients was 65.2 and 34.8,B 13.0 and 29.0 ,C 10.1 and 23.2,D 11 .6 and 13.0,respectively.Conclusion: There is significant difference of the color of the selected shade tab between dentist and patient.
Journal of Practical Stomatology