目的 观察 8、10、12、14周龄正常及先天性白内障大鼠晶状体中dipeptidylpep tidaseⅢ (DPPⅢ )的免疫活性变化 ,探讨其与白内障发病的关系。方法 分别于 8、10、12、14周龄鼠 ,摘取正常对照组以及先天性白内障大鼠晶状体 ,应用抗生物素蛋白 生物素 过氧化物酶复合体法 ,观察不同时期大鼠晶状体中DPPⅢ的免疫活性变化。结果 各周龄先天性白内障大鼠晶状体纤维部DPPⅢ的免疫活性明显高于正常对照组 ,特别是 12、14周白内障晶状体中DPPⅢ的免疫阳性产物扩展至晶状体核周部。结论 DPPⅢ在白内障大鼠晶状体中免疫活性增强 ,它有可能在白内障形成过程中参与晶状体蛋白的水解分化 ,从而促进白内障的形成。
Objective To invest the immunoreactivity changes in normal and cataractous lens and study its' relationship with the formation of cataract.Methods Eyes from SCR cataractous and normal rats of 8,10,12 and 14 weeks were used for immunohistochemical experiments using the strptavidin biotin immunoper oxidase method.Results The immunoreact ivity in the fibres of cataractous lenses of any ages was higher than that in control group, but no immunoreactive staining was observed in the perinuclear region at 8 and 10 weeks. At 12, 14 weeks, immunoreactive staining was found to extend into the perinuclear region.DPPⅢ immunoreactivity had significant different between normal and cataractous lenses.Conclusion The immunoreactivity of DPP Ⅲ was enhanced in cataractous rats' lens.DPP Ⅲ may be participated in the proteolytic modification of lens proteins during cataractogenesis.
Recent Advances in Ophthalmology