万明《中国融入世界的步履———明与清前期海外政策比较研究》一书认为 ,就海外贸易政策总体发展趋势而言 ,明代是开放的 ,清代是封闭的。这种观点具有片面性。从官方出海贸易政策、海外国家朝贡贸易政策、本国商民出海贸易政策、外国商民来华贸易政策、关税政策等五个方面分析 ,明朝与清朝前期没有本质的差异。清朝前期的许多海外贸易政策不仅直接继承于明朝 ,而且在很多方面比明朝更加务实 。
states in Chinas Road to the World: A Comparative Study of Foreign Trade Policy in the Ming and the Early Qing Dynasties that the general foreign trad e policy of the Ming dynasty tended to be open while that of the Qing was more c losed; this is questionable. Comparison of their policies in terms of official f oreign trade, tribute of foreign countries, foreign trade by private merchants, trade by foreign merchants in China as well as tariffs shows few significant dyn astic differences. The early Qing rulers indeed took up the Ming legacy and were more practical than their predecessors in many aspects, formulating a more favo rable foreign trade policy.
Historical Research