本文从道德的第一重作用 :“维护人的利益”出发 ,认为尊重自然界及其中物种和其他组分的权利就是维护生态平衡。物种、生态系及地球生物圈其他组分的内在价值也就是对系统稳定性的价值。利益也就是物种的需要、习性。从道德的第二重作用 :“满足人精神需求和实现自身价值”出发 ,认为自然界及其中的生态系统、物种、动植物个体的权利、利益和价值就是热爱生命、满足精神需求和实现自身价值的依据。并针对非人类中心主义环境伦理学把“是”等同于“应该”这一难点问题 ,认为这些流派提出的权利、利益、价值的依据就是寻求动植物个体、物种、生态系统。
Ethics has double functions.The first is to safeguard human interests and the second is to meet human spiritual demands and realize one's self-value.From the first function,the article presents that the work of respecting the rights of nature its species and other components just means maintaining ecological balance,the intrinsic values of species are also to keep the stability of ecological systems,and rights are just the demands and habits of species.Then from the second function,it states that the rights,interests,and values of nature,its ecological systems,species,and living individuals are the foundation of loving lives,meeting spiritual demands,and realizing one's self-value,and that intrinsic values are to realize human moral subjectivity and meet human spiritual demands.Moreover,non-anthropocentric environmental ethics equates'be' with 'should be',which has become a difficult point.By taking into consideration this point,it demonstrates that foundation of these schools who put forward the rights,interests,and values is to seek the similar features shared by living individuals,species,ecological systems,nature,and humankind,and to protect them as humankind.
Studies in Dialectics of Nature