研究测定蒙药中硒的新方法。蒙药消化液用盐酸还原处理将六价硒转化为四价硒 ,以硼氢化钾为还原剂 ,稀盐酸为载液 ,用流动注射氢化物发生原子吸收光谱法测定硒。方法的检出限为 0 .12ng·ml- 1,线性范围为 0 .6 0~ 35 .0 0ng·ml- 1,相对标准偏差为 4 .7%~ 6 .4 % ,样品加标回收率为 96 .6 %~ 10 2 .1% ,此法具有灵敏度高、选择性好、试剂及样品用量少、操作简便。
Sample of mongolian medicine was digested with an acid mixture of HNO 3 and HClO 4 under refluxing until a clear and colorless solution is obtained. The cooled sample solution was diluted to 10.00ml with 3mol·L -1 HCl and stayed for about 0.5h to reduce Se(Ⅵ) to Se(Ⅳ). Flow injection manifold was hyphenated with AAS in the determination. The sample solution was mixed with potassium boronhydride solution in the FI manifold with 3mol·L -1 HCl as carrying solution, and the selenium hydride gas generated was led to the electrothermal quartz atomizer and its absorbance was measured by the atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Linearity was held in the range of 0.60~35.00ng of selenium per ml of solution, and the detection limit was found to be 0.12ng·ml -1 . RSD′s ( n =6) obtained at 3 different concentration levels were in the range of 4.7%~6.4%, and recoveries were in the range of 96.6%~102.1%. The feasibility and special features of this method were verified in the analysis of some mongolian medicines.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part B:Chemical Analysis)