假句 (包括矛盾句 )存在于语言里是合法合理的。“层级”论将存有“矛盾被证”的自然语言宣判“死刑” ,是把人(语言使用者 )的逻辑犯规归罪于语言本身 ,而解悖方案回归自然语言实际是对塔斯基“层级”论宣判死刑。随着研究的深入发展 ,逻辑悖论研究的重心自然而然转移到了“语义悖论”上来。塔斯基对“谎者”悖论的解释 ,以“本语句”指称或界定“本语句假” ,犯了“矛盾定义”的谬误 ,而哥德尔的理论也因跟塔斯基理论的内在联系 ,也可能引起我们的疑问。
False-sentence (including contradictory sentence) existing in language is legitimate and reasonable. Theory of types puts natural language which consists of “contradiction proved” into death. This is to attribute the violation of logical rules by language users to language itself. Returning to natural language program is actually to put Tarski’s theory into death. With the deepening and development of research, the focus of logical paradox research is naturally shifted to “semantical paradox”. Tarski’s theory concerning the explanation of “this sentence” with “this sentence is false” commits the fallacy of “ontradictory definition”. Bcause of the inherent relation between Godel’s theory and Tarski’s, we may also show doubt this made about the former’s theory.
Journal of Hechi Normal College