A new genus and specles of plecoptera from East China are described.The typespecimens of new genus and new species are kept in the Insect Collections of BeijingAgricultural University.Genus Sinacroneuria Yang etYang,gen,nov.Type species:Sinacroneuriaorientalis Yang et Yang Medium size and yellow stonfly. Head with three small ocelli.Fore- Wings withoutcross-veins between anal cell,hind- wings with large anal field and numerous anal veins.Theninth tergite of the male modified at middle of hind margin with two groups of spinules;thetenth tergite divided into two lobes,the inner side elongated and with group of spinules. Subanal lobes hook- like,penis well- developed and sclerotized.Sinacroneuria orientalis Yang et Yang,sp.nov,(Figs.1- 4)Length of body 12-20mm,fore- wing 16-24mm l hind- wing 14- 21mm,General colouryellow,head with a large black spot on the ocelli area,and the pronotum are brown(Fig,l)。Legs yellow on basal half,and brownish from tip of femora to tarsi.Wings pale brown,costal area yellow.Abdomen yellow,dorsal view of male terminalia(Fig.2)and penis(Fig. 3)as showed in the text- figures. Female terminalia(Fig.4)in ventral view with thesubgenital plate sclerotized in forcipiform.This new taxon is allied to the genus A croneuriaPictet, but can be distinguished fromthe latter by the features of male terminalia; In Acroneuria the tenth tergite not divided andthe penis membranous,but in Sinacroneuria the tenth tergite divided into two lobes,and thepenis sclerotized.Holotype,allotype,paraypes 15,Huangshan(118.)Anhuiprovince;1977-v-17-23,collected by Yang Chikun.
Entomological Journal of East China
Plecoptera Perlidae,Acrofieuriinae,Sinacroneuria, new genus and species.