The genus Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) is comprised of about 50 species in China.Zanthoxylum dissitum Hems-ley, locally called 'Shanpipa', has been used to treat pains in the loin,limbs and arthritis in Chinese folk medicine. Our previous study reported the isolation andidentification of five quinoline alkaloids . In this continuing study on the chemcial constituentsof Zanthoxylum dissitum Hemsley, a phenylalanine derivative was obtained .
类 Zanthoxylum (芸香料) 在 China.Zanthoxylum dissitum Hems-ley 由大约 50 种类组成,局部地叫的“ Shanpipa ”,被用来用汉语在腰,手足和关节炎治疗疼痛民间医药。我们的以前的学习报导了五喹啉碱的隔离和鉴定。在 Zanthoxylum dissitum Hemsley 的 chemcial 成分上的这持续研究,本氨基丙酸衍生物被获得。
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