文章通过剖析实现中日关系正常化的全过程 ,阐述了当代中日关系从来都是战略关系的观点。中日关系是我国外交战略链中不可或缺的一环。处理好中日关系 ,不但对处理中美关系、中俄关系都会产生正面效应 ,而且对两岸关系、促进和平统一大业具有重要作用。因此 ,任何情感化的言行 ,都不利于我国的国家利益。文章认为 ,对“以史为鉴、面向未来”应全面理解 ,“面向未来”才是目的 ;同时 ,对日关系还要积极贯彻新一代领导人提出的“与邻为善、以邻为伴”的方针。作者认为 ,中日战略合作的前景十分广阔 。
This essay argues that the Sino Japanese bilateral relationship has always been a strategic one,which can be clearly observed in light of the entire process of normalizing the bilateral relationship promoted by Chinese leaders with strategic foresight into foreign relations.It holds that the Sino Japanese relationship is an important link that can never be neglected in the chain of Chinese international relations strategy.All emotional remarks and behaviors are definitely harmful to the benefit of China.The principle of“to face the future while taking the history as a mirror”should never be misunderstood.“To face the future ”should be the purpose.The principle of“cherishing goodwill toward others and taking neighboring countries as partners ,”proposed by the new leadership of China,should be implemented when dealing with Japan.Finally,the essay sheds light on the prospect for wide strategic cooperation between the two sides in ten respects.
World Economics and Politics