学术自由是现代大学理念的核心。 2 0世纪 ,为了保证学术自由 ,在美国大学教授协会的努力下 ,美国大学普遍实行了终身教职制度。该制度在各方面的维护下正常运转 ,对于美国大学的发展起了重要作用。近年来 ,在市场化潮流的冲击下 ,有关争论一度达到白热化的程度。本文把终身教职制度的要旨概括为以职业安全来保障学术自由 ,并对美国大学终身教职的由来与相关的争论做了简要的描述。
Academic freedom is the core in the concept of modern university. To ensure academic freedom, under the effort of American Association of University Professors, the tenure system has become a common practice in American universities. With the support of various circles, this system has been functioning properly and has played a significant role in the development of American universities. In recent years, this system has been challenged by marketization, leading to intense debates concerning its pros and cons. This article identifies the essence of the tenure system as a way to protect academic freedom by providing career security, and gives a brief account of the origin and debated issues about the tenure system in American universities.
The Chinese Journal of American Studies