本文以教师控制性言语行为为切入点 ,调查分析了外语课堂中教师对礼貌策略的使用情况。课堂环境具有三个特性 :教学讲求效率、师生之间关系不平等但却亲密。课堂环境的这一特殊性决定了教师礼貌使用的特殊性。材料分析发现 ,教师不仅依赖于各类句式达到表达控制性言语行为的目的 ,其言语修饰也对控制性言语行为的实现起到了作用。从调查结果来看 ,教师在课堂中基本是礼貌的 ,他们在实施控制性言语行为时偏于使用直接型策略 ,直接型控制言语行为对礼貌因素的考虑是通过直言修饰策略来实现的。
This study is based on an examination of the Chinese EFL teacher's linguistic politeness enactment in uttering control acts in 8 EFL classrooms. Three key notions set the tone of the teacher's politeness: power, goal of efficiency and intimacy. Data shows that the force of control acts does not depend solely on the construction employed, the kind of mitigation is also a determining factor contributing to the force of utterance. Results reveal that teachers are basically polite. The prevailing style of the teacher's speech acts of control is both highly direct and richly mitigated.
Foreign Language Teaching and Research